How Do I Re-Register?
By paying the semester fees on time, you officially submit your request to continue your studies. The amount has to be received by RWTH Aachen by the end of the re-registration period, i.e. the value date of your bank transfer has to prior to - and including - the last day of the registration period.
If the fee is received after the above deadline, you will have to pay a handling fee for late enrolment.
You are officially re-enrolled after the University has received payment of your semester fee and was able to identify you as the payer. To facilitate identification, please use the payment reference given in CAMPUS Office when you initiate the bank transfer .
Using CAMPUS Office, you can check your status – whether you have been re-registered or not – under “Rückmelden und Bezahlen.” If your status is “re-enrolled,” you can download your certificate of enrollment under “Bescheinigungen.”
使用校园办公室,你可以在Rückmelden und Bezahlen一栏下核实状态,核实自己是否已经重新注册。如果状态显示为“re-enrolled”(已重新注册),你就可以在Bescheinigungen一栏中下载注册证明了。
Re-Enrollment Ban for Exchange Students
The re-enrollment process for exchange students is identical to that of regular students at the University. There is one exception for students who stay longer at RWTH Aachen than originally planned, i.e. who extend their stay by another semester: by default, these students are initially debarred from re-enrollment. If you are an exchange student who wants to to apply for an extension of your stay, the Departmental Coordinator of your faculty must agree to notify the International Office of your intention to extend your stay. This notification is required for every semester that you wish extend your stay at RWTH Aachen.
As soon as this notification is received by the International Office, your re-enrollment is possible. Please contact your departmental adviser on time so that you can re-enroll on time. If you have any questions on this process, please contact the International Office.
Semester Fee Amount
You can use Campus Office to find out which current semester fee you need to pay. To find out what payment details you need to individually note, so that the payment entry is automatically connected to your matriculation number, look in your personal account under "Studierendensekretariat" (Registrar's Office) under "Rückmelden und Bezahlen" (Re-enrollment and Payment).
你可以使用校园办公室,了解需要支付哪个学期的费用。了解个人需要注意的付款细则,以便付款入口自动连接到你的入学人数,请进入Rückmelden und Bezahlen(重新和付款)下的Studierendensekretariat(注册处)个人账号。
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