现在留学的学生越来越多,留学可以开阔眼界,也能学习不一样的教育体制,而且世界名校众多,教育水平也一流。下面小编就来和大家说说“ 阿德莱德大学计算机与创新专业怎么样?申请条件高吗?一年学费多少?”这个问题
阿德莱德大学的计算机和创新硕士主要为想在IT、管理、创新领域获得技能的学生提供。在当今多样化的市场下,IT专业人士的成功不仅是计算机技术,也包括创新和管理。IT人员可以在不同行业和政府部门就业,包括IT合同和项目管理,应用程序的发展,IT解决方案的管理和鉴定以及营销和IT解决方案的销售。多样化的就业渠道要求学生有高学历的技术知识,交流能力和项目管理技能。本专业就是为学生提供这些技能。对于没有专业背景的学生需要在第一学期从事一个特殊入门课程,旨在达到IT的基本要求,熟悉评估要求和阿德莱德的环境。入门课程结束后,学员将熟练的C ++语言编程,并具有基本的数据结构和计算机系统的知识。本科是本专业的学生也需要学习IT、管理、和创新技能。这些学生也将有核心课程要求(即入门课程),以反映其现有的知识。毕业生能够获得设计和建造大型软件系统的能力。本专业由IT专业有丰富经验的学术人员教授,屡获殊荣的教育工作者和世界领先的研究人员共同提供了一个创新的和全面的教育环境。*孙同学阿德莱德大学计算与创新成功案例
COMP SCI 7202 Foundations of Computer Science (6 units)
COMP SCI 7201 AlgorithmData Structure Analysis (3 units)
COMP SCI 7081 Computer Systems (3 units)
COMP SCI 7064 Operating Systems (3 units)
General Elective (3 units)**
以下课程选修6 units
ENTREP 5016 EntrepreneurshipInnovation (3 units)
ENTREP 5018 Opportunity Assessment (3 units)
PROJMGNT 5021 Applied Project Management 1 (3 units)
ENTREP 7022 CreativityInnovation (3 units)
COMP SCI 7098 Master of ComputingInnovation Project (9 units)
COMP SCI 7039 Computer Networks and Applications (3 units)
COMP SCI 7015 Software EngineeringProject (3 units)
COMP SCI 7401 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning (3 units)
General Elective or Advanced Elective or ECIC Elective (3 units)
General Elective (3 units)
General Elective Choices 普通选修课程清单
COMP SCI 7089 Event Driven Computing (3 units)
COMP SCI 7026 Computer Architecture (3 units)
COMP SCI 7090 Computer Graphics (3 units)
COMP SCI 7305 Parallel and Distributed Computing (3 units)
COMP SCI 7059 Artificial Intelligence (3 units)
COMP SCI 7027 Computational Cognitive Science (3 units)^
COMP SCI 7307 Secure Programming (3 units)
COMP SCI 7306 Mining Big Data (3 units)
COMP SCI 7076 Distributed Systems (3 units)~
COMP SCI 7301 Cybersecurity Fundamentals (3 units)
Advanced Elective Choices 高级选修课程清单
COMP SCI 7022 Computer Vision (3 units)
COMP SCI 7005 Adaptive Business Intelligence (3 units)^
COMP SCI 7009 Modern Heuristic Methods (3 units)^
COMP SCI 7007 Specialised Programming (3 units)
COMP SCI 7023 Software Process Improvement (3 units)
COMP SCI 7045 Distributed High Performance Computing (3 units)^
COMP SCI 7077 Solving Engineering Models (3 units)
COMP SCI 7091 Commercialising IT Research (3 units) ^
COMP SCI 7408 ModellingAnalysis of Complex Systems (3 units)
COMP SCI 7409 Search Based Software Engineering (3 units)
COMP SCI 7407 Advanced Algorithms (3 units)
COMP SCI 7044 Computer System Security (3 units)*^
COMP SCI 7093 Evolutionary Computation (3 units)
COMP SCI 7000 Software Architecture (3 units)^
COMP SCI 7092 MobileWireless Systems (3 units)~
COMP SCI 7402 Introduction to Geometric Algorithms (3 units)
COMP SCI 7401 Introduction to Statistical Machine Learning (3 units)
COMP SCI 7010 Special Topics in Computer Science A (3 units) ^
COMP SCI 7012 Special Topics in Computer Science B (3 units)^
ECIC Elective Choices ECIC选修课程清单
ENTREP 5016 EntrepreneurshipInnovation (3 units)
ENTREP 5018 Opportunity Assessment (3 units)
PROJMGNT 5021 Applied Project Management 1 (3 units)
2.语言要求: 雅思:6.5,单项6
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